Saturday, September 25, 2004

Extract of email sent on 25-7-04 to CJ Gujarat High Court

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Sun, 25 Jul 2004 08:06:09 -0700 (PDT)
"pankaj mody"
MOST URGENT Message FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION OF the Honorable Chief Justice Shri BhavaniSingh ,GUJARAT HIGH COURT

Open Petition Letter addressed to the Honorable Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court sent by e-MAIL and copy marked to President of India

from :
emai id:

dated 25-07-2004


Respected Sir,

Subject: My earlier petition letter addressed to you dated 24-11-2003 and telegram on 1-12-2003 and subsequent letter in first week of January 2004 in connection with the Appeal from Order 176/2003 where I had appeared as party in person ….. IN RELATION WITH GLOBAL TRUST BANK
I would like to bring it to your knowledge the news about Global Trust Bank which appeared in today’s news paper.

I have sent a letter specifically addressed to you on 24-11-2003 followed up by a telegram on 1-12-2003 as referred above. Some of the details of correspondence can be visited by visiting the link and can be accessed by cutting and pasting :

Perhaps due to oversight or on account of your extremely busy schedule you may have overlooked the matter or have ignored the matter and have not grasped the seriousness. What is not nipped in bud grows to large dimensions. A small hole in the dam can be sealed but it would be impossible to seal the dam once the walls have ruptured.

I had visualized this and therefore I had drawn your attention. In case you just let the situation remain uncontrolled , a day is not too far when all the banks in the country would go bust and even you would not be able to draw funds from any bank any more and the Government of India may not be able to pay any salaries. That day is not too far if one sits quietly and has a look at the incidents in the country. A situation is developing where by even the people in power including the judges and the politicians would not be able to stop mobs in form of depositors disturbing the sleep of leaders and the judiciary. The time is to wake up now. Only few have natural foresight to see what can happen in future. The situation in the country is leading to chaos and anarchy and even the parliament proceedings is also pointer in this direction.

It is harsh reality that human beings are blind like Dhitrashtra and play blind like Gandhari out of attachment of Duryodhanas and play as indifferent spectator like Bhisma when Draupadi gets victimized by being disrobed by Dushashana on account of Shakuni playing dirty tricks which veils the vision of all the people. The shakunis are the advocates themselves who cloud the vision of the honorable lordships. Here the Shakunis are in the form of advocates appearing before the courts day in and day out and the honorable judges get identified by them and believe what they say and do not have awareness of detaching the minds.

I would not like your name as well as name of Gujarat High Court gets tarnished in case you do not act proactively. Best bakery case is live experience. You cannot be silent when once again Rome gets engulfed in fire.

In view of my earlier petiton letter and in order to find truth and control the damage and the horses do not run away , I most earnestly request you to :-

a) Mr. Sushil Handa has robbed banks to the tune of Rs 750 crores and has fraudulently obtained Rs 12.5 crores as referred in my letter dated 24-11-03 from Global Trust Bank and lighting steps are necessary to put him under house arrest so that he does not disappear as it happened with the tainted minister recently. This is because none on behalf of Core Health care attend the Metropolitan Court under Magistrate 15 in the defamation case 3326/99 is filed against the undersigned even when the matter appeared on the Board of Magistrate 15 of Metropolitan Court in Meghaninagar on 22-7-2004. It is necessary ….. to the outside world…. creating embarrassment for the judiciary in Gujarat once more.

b) Mr. Saurabh Soparkar , the advocate of Gujarat High Court is put under house arrest in view of my complaint 38 of 2002 and his inability to furnish reply to my reply in September 2003 to Bar Council of Gujarat. Bar Council of Gujarat is shielding Core Health Care too. Mr. Soparkar has deceived the Gujarat High Court right from the beginning and his actions/inactions need to be questioned.

c) Mr. Jatin Jalundhwala and the auditor Mr. Hemant Kashiparekh and the concerned officers of the Global Trust Bank are held in custody.

I could feel the house on fire (the country) earlier in GLOBAL TRUST BANK and I hope you can see it too and once it becomes an towering inferno , you would not be able to control it because just like fire it would spread to other banks and Reserve Bank of India cannot protect all the banks.

The steps would enable you to pin this industrialist and the bankers as well as Mr. Saurabh Soparkar and also lost sum of Rs 12.5 crores plus interest in the interest of the depositors of Global Trust Bank.

In case the court listens to the undersigned with full receptively, patiently and questions Mr. Saurabh Soparkar the Gujarat High Court advocate , Mr. Jatin Jalundhwala and the concerned officers of Global Trust bank , the Honorable court would be able to protect the interest of the depositors to some extent by being able to retrieve the funds from Handas and also find truth in the matter. All I want is compassionate,patient and unbiased Lordships bench so that I can convince them as a party in person. I do not have power of communication like High Court advocate but I have full conviction what is truth in the matter. I earnestly request you that the matter is heard outside court chambers so that I do not get suffocated by other advocates protecting their fellow brother Mr. Saurabh Soparkar when one is in the court consisting of lawyers only where it becomes impossible for a person open up.

In view of the seriousness of the problem and as well as protection not made available to me inspite of my reference in my letter dated 24-11-03 , the contents of the letter comes under public domain and you may find it very embarrassing to deal with the situation once more the way it happened with Best Bakery case .

The time has to come to throw away all law books when a boat is sinking or house is on fire the way Adi Shankracharya refers it in one of his classic poems of realities of life that one does not talk language of grammar but survives only whether one knows how to swim. The entire country is facing this situation. Our country is facing turbulent times and no citizen is being spared by nature whether one is in power or not in power.

It is not possible to convey all the aspects in such a short time. I earnestly request to look into the matter referred in my letter dated 24-11-2003.

The time is for right action first to save the depositors from wrath of Sushil Handa, Mr. Soparkar in collusion with the top officials of the Global Trust Bank by making him pay all the bank dues immediately which the bank officers do not do as they are hand in glove with Core Health Care people in committing banking fraud.

I hope I would not be misunderstood. I am writing to you so as to protect the interest of depositors as well as to protect the DIGNITY and HONOUR of the court and the depositors creating more embarrassment to the leaders. What one sees is the tip of the iceberg and the Reserve Bank of India may give impression that it has put out a fire but all of us are sitting on live and unpredictable volcano. I can see it coming.

As I am a witness and a whistleblower to banking fraud. I would be given full PROTECTION SO THAT I CAN APPEAR TO THE COURTS SAFELY . I am enclosing a recent letter to the Global Trust Bank.

I sincerely hope that I as party in person is treated with receptivity,patience respect and dignity by the Honrable judges of Gujarat High Court which was missing in Honorable Lordship Miss R M Doshit by passing arbitary non speaking order without even waiting for Global Trust Bank, Jatin Jalundhwala , Dhanyuhya Financial and Core Health Care file written affidavits to my appeal from order and civil application.

I look forward to intimation at my present e mail address as well as residential address in a day or two at the most.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Pankaj S Mody

Annexures in form of Links:

Letter addressed to Global Trust Bank

Copy of complaint, etc against High Court advocate Mr. Saurabh Soparkar with Bar Council of Gujarat

p s mody
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